Translating Chinese and English documents since 1998. Don Rogalski and Toni Kuo are a husband-wife team providing professional translation between Chinese and English. We have translated approximately 4 million words in our career to date, and have personally compiled glossaries based on our work currently containing 41,617 entries. Scientific and medical studies and documents, including Chinese to English patents. Legal documents, including contracts.
Etcetera Language Group, Inc.
Joaquim Ferreira
2016 Perry Street NE
Washington, DC, 20018
Hover, a service of Tucows Inc.
Technical Contact
96 Mowat Avenue
Toronto, ON, M6K 3M1
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Iquest;QUIÉNES SOMOS? 30 de julio, 2015. El Cártel de Sinaloa se fortaleció en un año, con todo y El Chapo preso en el Altiplano. 07 de agosto, 2015. En dos años, COPRED ha recibido 160 denuncias por discriminación laboral a embarazadas. 06 de agosto, 2015. SFP sólo dará avance del informe de la Casa Blanca en 15 días; conclusión en diciembre. 06 de agosto, 2015.